1. Imams and Rabbis for Peace 20. March 2006 - 21. March 2006

    About 200 Imams and Rabbis from 40 countries from all over the world plus ab...

  2. Transformational Leadership in a Church in Transformation 11. March 1998 - 13. March 1998

    15 Bishops gathered to collectively explore and adapt their leadership to serve ...

  3. Was müssen wir und die Verantwortlichen tun, um das Unfallrisiko junger Fahrer zu minimieren? 29. October 2001 - 30. October 2001

  4. Wave Rider - Leadership for High Performance in a Self Organizing World 20. November 2008 - 22. November 2008

    This event was originally planned as a part of Harrison Owen's tour through Euro...

  5. Wege der Zusammenarbeit zwischen deutschen und belarussischen Jugendorganisationen 6. June 2003

    Elf deutsche und belarussische Fachleute aus der Jugendarbeit tauschten sich ueb...

  6. What opportunities for philanthropy and solidarity in future Europe? 14. November 2007

  7. What shall we do in Kalnciema Street? 11. December 2004 - 12. December 2004

  8. What structure do we need to develop to support Bankwatch Network activities in 3 years? 11. October 2002 - 13. October 2002

  9. WOSonOS 2010 12. May 2010 - 15. May 2010

    Harrison Owen, 2009: At the end of the day Open Space Technology is not about ha...

  10. WOSonOS XV: Surfing the waves of transformation: How do we use the gifts of Open Space? 24. May 2007 - 26. May 2007

    Worldwide Open Space on Open Space Nr. XV